Upgrade to Mandrake 9.1
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javiermarcon : 27/05/03 04:26 PM : Incident created |
- Hello, I have a Pentium IIImhz and Mb of Ram with Mandrake 9.0 intalled in it.
Do I have any advantage if I install Mandrake 9.1, or should I keep Mandrake 9.0 without installing Mandrake 9.1?
If I install Mandrake 9.1 will run slowly? Thanks.
Linegod_7611 : 01/06/03 05:54 PM : Reply received |
- Mandrake 9.1 should not be slower than 9.0, and has a lot of improvements and bugfixes in it. If
anything, I've found 9.1 slightly faster than 9.0.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
javiermarcon : 01/06/03 10:58 PM : Incident closed |
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