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CrtvLab Platinum Live sound card/Video Card - Bl

+/- details
User RGG2201473
Incident Number 5945
Date 2001/12/06 19:25
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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RGG2201473 : 06/12/01 07:25 PM : Incident created
-   I'm wondering if i'm having hardware conflicts, a failed motherboard... I don't know. When I fire up the pc with my video card I get no
beeps and nothing on the screen. The keyboard lights go on, the cd goes on, the floppy goes on, the hard drives sound like like they're
spinning. I of course tried plugging in my monitor to another pc and it works as great as always. I put in a different video card and got
the same thing but this time a long beep and three short ones.
Is my motherboard kaput?
Is it possibly hardware conflicts with the soundcard? (I think i've read about that somewhere)
I installed my soundcard months ago and everything was fine but with no sound because I didn't have any speakers. This week I got
speakers (Creative Inspire 5.1 5300) and plugged them in, went into Harddrake to test configurations, etc since I was getting no sound
and this horrible situation happened. When I fire up the pc I get nothing on the screen - no bios info, no boot up info... nothing.
I don't know if its damage to any hardware components that i may have caused or internal conflicts between components.
Also, I just read that digital speakers are not supported by Linux at this time. I looked at the speaker's box, the manuals (such as it is -
very sparse) and find no indication of whether these are digital or analog. Is it true that Linux doesn't support digital speakers yet?

Linegod_7611 : 19/12/01 02:00 PM : Reply received
-   Mandrake does not support digital speakers yet.

Have you unplugged the speakers?

You best bet would be to take the system to a repair shop, and have them take a look at it, as it would appear that it is a hardware problem.

RGG2201473 : 27/12/01 08:31 PM : Incident closed

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