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Fresh install no kernel-source?

+/- details
User Darieus
Incident Number 58189
Date 2003/04/30 19:10
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Darieus : 30/04/03 07:10 PM : Incident created
-   kernel-source
I made sure is select the kernel-source package for the install but I still don't have the /usr/src/linux directory or sys link
I read the other incidents about about searching for the "kernel-source" rpm but I can't find it. I have looked through disk 1 and 2 for a kernel-source package with no luck.
disk 2 has a kernel-doc rpm
disk 1 has

help I can't compile and make stuff!


Linegod_7611 : 30/04/03 10:15 PM : Reply received
-   The kernel-source is on CD 3. You can download it from any of the mirrors at

Just download the one that matches the kernel you have installed.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Darieus : 01/05/03 01:14 AM : More info provided
-   Well I am glad I am not crazy, but should this be considered a bug?
What other packages did not get installed? The instalation asked for the third cd but stated it was the International CD, not that it had packages I needed.

Darieus : 01/05/03 04:24 PM : Incident closed

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