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Turning of safe mode in php

+/- details
User cansnowboard
Incident Number 57763
Date 2003/04/28 07:51
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.1 (Bamboo)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Web Server

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cansnowboard : 28/04/03 07:51 AM : Incident created
-   I am using the standard bamboo distribution of Mandrake running Apache 2.x and PHP 4.3.

I would like to turn off safe mode in php but the php.ini file contains only a reference to the mysql module that I added. None of the standard config parameters are in that file. Much to my frustration. :-)

When I run a phpinfo script I can see the numerous command line options that are implemented when php loads.

However, I am still learning about linux and do not understand when and where PHP is being loaded and how I can adjust the configuration with the mandrake distribution. I think apache is loading it as a module.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you.


Linegod_7611 : 28/04/03 10:13 AM : Reply received
-   In the latest php for Mandrake, the php.ini file was moved to a seperate
package, so it could be upgraded without upgrading the entire php package.
Most likely, you do not have it installed. You best bet would be to
uninstall any php modules (like php-mysql) - you can get a complete list of
php modules you installed by typing 'rpm -qa|grep php':

# urpme php-mysql php-xml (add whatever modules you have)

backup the php.ini file:

# mv /etc/php.ini /etc/php.ini.old

install the php-ini rpm

# urpmi php-ini

Then reinstall the php modules you uninstall:

# urpmi php-mysql php-xml (etc, etc)

You can then edit /etc/php.ini and you will find the 'safe-mode' option.

This may seem complex, but it will ensure a clean php.ini file.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

cansnowboard : 28/04/03 05:59 PM : Incident closed

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