how to open or install
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baxmann : 19/04/03 01:46 PM : Incident created |
- I don't know how to install or open new apps on 9.1 whith kde
Linegod_7611 : 19/04/03 06:04 PM : Reply received |
- It depends on what type of application you are trying to install. If it is something off the CDs,
simply open rpmdrake - K/Configuration/Other/Mandrake Control Center and click on Software
Management (or open a console and login as root - type su - and then type 'rpmdrake') From
there you will be able to install software from the CDs, or from a mirror.
If it is an RPM you have downloaded, open a console, change to the directory you downloaded
the file to, type 'su' and then type 'urpmi fullnameofpackage.rpm'
If it is a 'tar' 'gz' or 'bin' file, there would be different steps.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
baxmann : 06/05/03 04:53 PM : More info provided |
- it is an *.tar and an *.bin
Linegod_7611 : 09/05/03 05:41 AM : Reply received |
- To extract a tar file do:
# tar -xvf filename.tar
This will extract the files. Most likely, there will be a README file that you can view for further
For a .bin file, change the permissions and then run it:
# chmod 775 filename.bin
# ./filename.bin
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
baxmann : 20/05/03 09:16 PM : Incident closed |
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