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+/- details
User kwlam20
Incident Number 56452
Date 2003/04/15 03:38
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
kwlam20 : 15/04/03 03:38 AM : Incident created
-   What is the difference between the different consoles: xterm, Konsole, rxvt, gnome terminal? Are they all of the same function?

Linegod_7611 : 15/04/03 05:46 AM : Reply received
-   They all give you access to your default shell - bash, but each has it's own
advantages. konsole is intergrated into KDE, and has a ton of options that are
configurable through the GUI interface to it. gnome-terminal is better
intergrated into Gnome, and has a few extra features for completetion. xterm
is available on almost all Linux and Unix machines, so getting use to its
configuration could be helpful in a multi-system enviroment.

Overall, if you are a new user, who primarily uses KDE, using konsole would be
your best bet.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

kwlam20 : 15/04/03 07:31 AM : Incident closed

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