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+/- details
User vancouversparky
Incident Number 55687
Date 2003/04/06 23:27
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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vancouversparky : 06/04/03 11:27 PM : Incident created
-   I'm new to Linux and have a limited knowledge compared to most Linux users. I recently installed Mandrake 9.0. Everything seems to work fine and I'm glad to make the switch from win98, but I don't see anything that is obviously an anti-virus package. What should I be doing for this and kmail virus protection??

Linegod_7611 : 07/04/03 05:35 AM : Reply received
-   Although you will find a couple of anti-virus programs for Linux, there are not
many, and in general, they are not a requirement for a home user. KMail, by
default, will not run executables, and even if it did, as long as you are running as
a user, and not root, it can only effect your account, and not the whole system.
Your system will also not be affected by Windows viruses. The majority of
viruses/trojans/worms affect only the Windows operating system. Out of the
thousands of viruses 'in the wild', only one or two have been targetted at Linux
or Mac users.

If you still want to look at a virus program for your computer, or for your mail
server, I would recommend RAV -

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

vancouversparky : 07/04/03 06:18 AM : Incident closed

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