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No Server Configuration Wizards

+/- details
User fraley
Incident Number 53500
Date 2003/03/12 07:23
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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fraley : 12/03/03 07:23 AM : Incident created
-   I just installed Mandrake 9.0. According to the Server Configuration Guide there should be Server Configuration Wizards accessible from the Mandrake Control Center. There is no tab to access them.

I also have Konqueror coming up with access errors, It can't read the documentation in /usr/share, because read access is turned off to /usr.

I suspect that this last item, and maybe the first item, came about by answering a question about the server being on the internet by saying that I want a medium security server, though why reading documentation is a security hole I don't know.

Is there a way to get to the server wizards? And if the culprit is the security server level, is there any way to reduce the security again?


Linegod_7611 : 12/03/03 08:28 AM : Reply received
-   To install the server wizards, got to 'K/Configuration/Other/Mandrake Control
Center' and select 'Software Management/Software Install (rpmdrake)' in the
search field type 'drakwiz' and install the package that is listed (or you can open
a konsole, type 'su' to log in as root and type 'urpmi drakwiz').

To change your security setting, follow the same process as above to get to
Mandrake Control Center, then select 'Security' and change your security level to
a lower level (or open a konsole, type 'su' to log in as root and type 'msec 1' or
'msec 2').

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

fraley : 14/03/03 08:22 PM : Incident closed

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