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Firewall "undoes" manual changes every t

+/- details
User haldrik
Incident Number 52716
Date 2003/03/02 16:20
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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haldrik : 02/03/03 04:20 PM : Incident created
-   Hello Everyone!
I have Shorewall setup on my main computer (ML9.0) which is connected to a cable modem on eth1 and my winxp box through crossover cable on eth0. In addition, I have a Zaurus PDA which is set up as usb0. I had to manually edit Shorewalls config files to accomodate the usb networking, adding a zone (usb0) to ZONES , and policies involving usb0 to the POLICIES file.
Everything works great, except that when I want to , for example, open or close the ports for FTP or TELNET using the Mandrake Control Center/Security/Firewall sequence, Shorewall always overwrites all of these files again, erasing any reference to the usb0 zone, and also deletes the policies Ive set up for fw-masq-accept and masq-fw-accept.
Now the question: how do I get Shorewall to change ONLY the things that I've specified (e.g. open TELNET port) without undoing other things that have nothing to do with that?
My first reaction was to do everything by hand and not use the control center, but the control center is very good for opening and closing specific ports.
Thanks for any help!

Linegod_7611 : 02/03/03 06:31 PM : Reply received
-   Your first reaction was right. As it stands right now, reconfiguring the firewall
with Mandrake Control Center will overwrite any new rules. It will be a while
until there is a fullblown shorewall configuration GUI that will allow you to edit
rules. Until then, simply edit '/etc/shorewall/rules' and then restart shorewall
with 'shorewall restart'.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

haldrik : 06/03/03 08:41 PM : Incident closed

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