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restricting ftp access

+/- details
User morgant
Incident Number 5247
Date 2001/12/01 03:23
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope File Server (FTP)

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morgant : 01/12/01 03:23 AM : Incident created
-   I have several hard drives in my system (six to be exact) most of which are partitioned fat32 so that I can access them in both windows and linux. That being said I am attempting to run an sftp server using proftp. The problem is that I want people using my ftp server to be able to access some of the directories on the mounted drives, but not all of the directories. Whenever I try to change the file permissions on some of the folders on the mounted drives I am told that I do not have the necessary permissions to change those settings, despite the fact that I am logged in as root. Any help or suggestions?

Linegod_7611 : 04/12/01 12:42 PM : Reply received
-   FAT partitions have to be mounted with specific access. Files/folders cannot be
individually changed.

morgant : 09/12/01 08:16 PM : Incident closed
-   The answer Linegod gave was pretty vague, but that's ok because I eventually figured out what he meant. The deal is that FAT partitions don't support file permissions, so my only options were to either change the partition types on the drives, or to mount the fat drives in a directory with the file permissions already set.

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