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+/- details
User ccgoremay
Incident Number 51254
Date 2003/02/09 07:50
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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ccgoremay : 09/02/03 07:50 AM : Incident created
-   Do I have to have the DevFs daemon run at bootup? It takes a long time to start, and I have read that there are alternatives to it.


Linegod_7611 : 09/02/03 04:17 PM : Reply received
-   You do not _have_ to have devfsd running, as it will default back to the old style
'dev', but since it is the standard in Mandrake now, alot of the programs are
starting to assume that it is there.

You might try to determine _why_ it is taking so long to boot, as it may not be
related to devfsd.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

ccgoremay : 10/02/03 12:32 AM : More info provided
-   How would I go about finding that out? When the system is booting up, it always states that it's loading the DevFs daemon, then does nothing for upto a minute. I am running Mandrake on a P166 with 72(i think)MB of RAM, so I know that it's not going to run at lightning speed no matter what I do.

Linegod_7611 : 10/02/03 06:44 PM : Reply received
-   You might try disabling most of the services (run 'drakxservices') that could
be slowing it down (postfix, httpd, named, etc) and see if it is one of those
services that is actually having difficulty.

Also, take a look at what starts immediately after devfsd, as it might
actually be the service that is stalling.

Take a look at the output of 'dmesg|more' and see if there are any errors.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

ccgoremay : 20/02/03 01:11 PM : Incident closed

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