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+/- details
User davidagourlay
Incident Number 5105
Date 2001/11/29 22:54
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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davidagourlay : 29/11/01 10:54 PM : Incident created
-   I seem to have messed up in trying to install Samba. I downloaded Samba from internet and, being a newbie, perhaps didn't follow the correct procedure for installing it. So I found Samba on my Installation Sources CD. When I open it, it runs the installation procedure with the window opening and asking me to click "next". However, when I do this, it tells me there have been errors in all packages, and closes. It seemed to think Samba was already installed. So, I deleted (manually) everything I could find with Samba, and tried installing from the CD again. Same result, except now Samba doesn't appear on my start menu.

Is there anything I can do to get Samba installed? All advice welcome, but please keep it simple!

Linegod_7611 : 30/11/01 12:51 AM : Reply received
-   Never delete, uninstall (rpm -e packagename).

To reinstall Samba, change to the 'Mandrake/RPMS' directory on the CD and type:

# rpm -Uvh samba*rpm --force

This will force an overwrite of all samba files.

To check what samba packages are installed after that, type:

# rpm -qa|grep samba

davidagourlay : 30/11/01 11:00 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks.

OK, I followed your instructions to the letter and after doing the last command got the result. There seemed to be 3 files: samba-common-2.0.7-25mdk, samba-2.0.7-25mdk and samba-client-2.0.7-25mdk.

What should I do now to get samba up and running? I found in the start - configure menu an entry for samba, but it asks me for a user name and password for site SWAT at localhost. Where do I get the username and password?

Linegod_7611 : 01/12/01 06:09 PM : Reply received
-   Try either your user account on that box, or the root account.

davidagourlay : 01/12/01 11:06 PM : Incident closed

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