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Netscape 6.0 & Staroffice 6.0

+/- details
User ttellefsen
Incident Number 5049
Date 2001/11/29 12:33
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
ttellefsen : 29/11/01 12:33 PM : Incident created
-   1. What directory should I be installing programs to? Currently I have StarOffice and Netscape downloaded and installed to my Home directory. For some reason, I don't believe this is correct.
2. If I download and install a tar or gzip, use the installer, how do I uninstall it if I don't like the program?

Linegod_7611 : 29/11/01 01:02 PM : Reply received
-   1. Staroffice 6.0 is not yet 'multiuser' so installing in your home directory
for now is correct. IIRC, Netscape should be installed as root, and then it
should select the correct directory.

2. Depends on how the program was created. Some will respond to 'make
uninstall' (if you used make and make install to install it). Some just
don't have an option to uninstall, and you have to manually remove all the
files it created. Read the 'README' or 'INSTALL' file that came with the
tar.gz, or visit the creators web site.

Linegod_7611 : 30/11/01 10:59 AM : Reply received
-   I stand corrected, for a multiuser install in Staroffice, use "setup /net" as root.

ttellefsen : 30/11/01 12:24 PM : Incident closed

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