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Formatting a mnt

+/- details
User LazyDave
Incident Number 50355
Date 2003/01/28 16:23
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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LazyDave : 28/01/03 04:23 PM : Incident created
-   How can a format a HDD, the HDD is /mnt/nt2 that I want to format

kabage : 28/01/03 05:41 PM : Reply received
-   First make sure you know what disk and partition and that it is not mounted so
if /mnt/nt2 is mounted do
umount /mnt/nt2 <enter>

of course you can be there when unmounting be on another partion or disk.

Now lets pretend you this is another disk like hdb and it is the second partion
so its /dev/hdb2 yes, you know this probably.

anyway depending on the type of file system it is usually something like
mke2fs -j /dev/hdb2 <enter> Ext3 system or
mke2fs /dev/hdb2 <enter> Ext2 system or
mkreiserfs /dev/hdb2 <enter>
mkswap , for swap so on and so on yes you can format vfat and dos stuff

Linegod_7611 : 28/01/03 05:41 PM : Reply received
-   You don't format a 'mnt' you format the device (/dev/whatever) that it is
linked to. By typing 'df' you will get a list of devices and where they are
mounted. Use 'diskdrake' to then format that device.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please rememeber to close this

LazyDave : 28/01/03 08:14 PM : Incident closed

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