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USB Scanner HP Scanjet 3530c configuration problem

+/- details
User vistar
Incident Number 50185
Date 2003/01/26 07:29
Status Reply received
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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vistar : 26/01/03 07:29 AM : Incident created
-   Some problems to configure scanner:...scanner is HP scanjet 3530c (USB) and there's no driver for it in the scanner database, I tryed the 3300c driver, but doesn't work.

It's strange because in the mandrake hardware database the HP ScanJet 3530c under MDK9.0 is classified as supported ...

Someone suggest me to write to the manufacterer's website asking for the proper driver ... and so I did ... they simply told me that them products are not supposed to work with Linux and that on the box of my scanner linux isn't write within the OS supported... and so on...

I tried as well from the control center with the wizard for configuration but it doesn't even give me the USB option to choose...

So it's sad in hardware database that is supported but I'm not able to configure it.
Do I need to know anything I'm not considering at the moment???
Am I making any mistake ???
Please,is there anyone can give any help or info about how-to do it??

Thank you.

Webgraph : 11/02/03 11:46 PM : Reply received
-   Don't listen to Mandrake's hardware compatibility. Check SANE's website and
that will give you the real answer. Someone asked this before and no, the HP
Scanjet 3530c is not supported in Linux.

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