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how to receive mail from internet

+/- details
User pcdwarf
Incident Number 4982
Date 2001/11/28 23:40
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Mail Server

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pcdwarf : 28/11/01 11:40 PM : Incident created
-   there is no problem with senting mail
as an exemple

mail [email protected]


but when somebody send me mail to [email protected]

he receives

Action failed : status 5.5.0 (other or undefined protocol status)
remote MTA : SMTP Diagnostic 554 Recipient address rejected : ralay access denied

What's that
I don't know anything about mail services / how to configure them
Can somebody help me? / explain me how does it works

yroagoex : 29/11/01 09:34 AM : Reply received
-   it's not the same thing if you use postfix or sendmail,
but globaly you must accept the domain
and see anti-spam rules
spam is made from machines which allows all relays so open just the necessary
: mail for your domain

pcdwarf : 29/11/01 04:05 PM : More info provided
-   postfix or sendmail you say ?
I know that it is used for mail but I don't know what's the difference.

I don't know which one I am using.. maybe both ?
which one is installed by default with mandrake 8.1 ?

anyway I think there is some message talking about postfix during boot up...

you say I have to authorize mydomain
what is / where is the file concerned ?

yroagoex : 30/11/01 10:06 PM : Reply received
-   you can't use both because only one daemon can listen on port tcp 25 for
receiving/sending mails
by default you certainly use postfix
the config file is

pcdwarf : 01/12/01 01:13 AM : More info provided

# The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface
# addresses that this mail system receives mail on. By default,
# the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The
# parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address].
#inet_interfaces = all
#inet_interfaces = $myhostname
#inet_interfaces = $myhostname, localhost

You say i haave to activete something but not all becauses somebody can use my pc for sending spam or something like that...

inet_interfaces =, localhost

something secure ???

anyway , all theses lines seems to be disabled... (localhost too) so why can I receive mails from another user (on the same machine) ???

pcdwarf : 04/12/01 09:32 PM : Incident closed

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