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Install problems

+/- details
User javadork
Incident Number 4947
Date 2001/11/28 19:08
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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javadork : 28/11/01 07:08 PM : Incident created
-   I have a VisionTek GeForce 3 ti500. Mandrake 8.1 goes thru the install fine but during the first (and all others) boot it black screens and I can't do anything. It sounds like it is still doing stuff but I can't see anything

Linegod_7611 : 29/11/01 10:48 AM : Reply received
-   Boot with the Boot Disk created during install, and at the LILO prompt, type 'linux 3'.
Log in as root and run 'XFdrake' to reconfigure your video card (try with minimal
settings and work up from there). Once it is done, reboot normally.

javadork : 01/12/01 10:56 PM : More info provided
-   I used the boot disk and put in linux 3 but it still black screens at the same spot as before. The place that it goes to the black screen is right after is ask's you to enter "I" for interactive mode. I have tried to do that but black screens before it asks whether to load something or not. The funny thing is that I also tried RH7.2 (i know but I had to see) anyway it does the exact same thing at the same spot. I can put it another video card (voodoo 3 card) and it works just fine. Thanks for looking at this, I am fairly new to this so I can use all the help I can get.

One more thing I have tried booting with another card and then installed the new drivers from Nvidia but that did nothing different.

javadork : 07/12/01 08:36 AM : Incident closed

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