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Cups over IPP problems

+/- details
User amdonati
Incident Number 4905
Date 2001/11/28 10:31
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Printing

Products owned

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amdonati : 28/11/01 10:31 AM : Incident created
-   I have installed on my MDK 8.1 a printer connected through IPP using cups.
cups sees the printer and the test worked well.

B ut when I try to print from a KDE application (I tried Kspread), the application sees the printer but nothing comes out.
I tried to reinstall the printer, to change authentication (I gave, anonymous access, my user access or Root, no change) but nothing comes out.
After the first test, even the print test fails.

And if I try to print from a program from the gnome suite (I tried Gnumeric, Abiword and Gimp), they do not even see the cups printer!

And I fI am not able to print, I cannot work from linux!

So my questions are:
1) Why after installation I cannot print from a IPP printer correctly installed?
2) why GTK programs like Gnumeric, Abiword and Gimp do not see CUPS printers?

Thank you very much for the help!


yroagoex : 28/11/01 10:53 AM : Reply received
-   verify that lpr is linked to lpr-cups
$ ll /usr/bin/lpr*

try to use lpr in command line

MandrakeSoft : 28/11/01 11:21 AM : Reply received
-   Hello,

This could be caused by a cups service which is not running properly in the
linux services. Have a look at it in your mandrake control center in the services
The overall cups setup can be sdone in a graphical way with the normal browser
filling in the following address:


Configure again the printer and start up the service.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

amdonati : 28/11/01 08:01 PM : Incident closed

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