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The place where your Mandriva Linux system finds support

Hard Decision

+/- details
User rmw889
Incident Number 47667
Date 2003/01/02 00:43
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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rmw889 : 02/01/03 12:43 AM : Incident created
-   I am trying to decide between Mandrake and Red Hat. I need a OS that is highly capable of taking Devices such as a joystick. This will primarily be a gamimg computer, but it will be networked with a XP comp with a PPPoE connection. I Also would want a good internet browser and e-mail client. What do you guys have to reccomend for me?

Linegod_7611 : 02/01/03 02:09 AM : Reply received
-   Both Mandrake and RedHat have generally the same functionality, as they are
both uptodate Linux distributions, and should both work quite fine as a gaming
system. The primary differences are the default configurations. RedHat
defaults with the Gnome Desktop Enviroment, and Mandrake defaults to the KDE
Desktop enviroment.

I'm, of course, biased towards Mandrake, and their defaults of the Konqueror
browser and KMail mail client. Mandrake does come with Mozilla (the open
source base for Netscape) and Evolution (the Gnome Mail program), that RedHat
uses by default.

Both RedHat and Mandrake are freely downloadable, so you could try them out,
and make up your mind from there. If you go with RedHat though, you won't
be able to ask questions on MandrakeExpert :)

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

rmw889 : 02/01/03 02:29 PM : Incident closed

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