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Installing Windows XP on another partition?

+/- details
User halldorr
Incident Number 47436
Date 2002/12/30 15:18
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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halldorr : 30/12/02 03:18 PM : Incident created
-   I have installed Mandrake 9.0 just fine on a fairly large partition of my computer. I left another partition for Windows XP but am worried that if I install XP now, it will wipe out my boot loader.

Did I install the two packages in the wrong order or is there something I can do now to keep the boot loader in place?

Linegod_7611 : 30/12/02 08:49 PM : Reply received
-   It is usually recommended that you install XP first, then Mandrake, as XP _will_
get rid of the boot loader, and the Mandrake install would pick up your XP install
and add it to the boot loader automatically. However, all is not lost, you can
recover the boot loader by booting with the Mandrake CD, pressing 'ESC' at the
splash screen and then typing 'rescue'. This will bring up several options, one
is to reinstall the boot loader.

You may want to walk through this prior to your install, just so you are
comfortable with it.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

halldorr : 31/12/02 01:16 AM : Incident closed
-   Thank you very much. What I ended up doing was starting from scratch, installing XP first and then Linux. I love it! I am now scouring the documentation and hoping to learn all about this wonderful software!!

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