- I use a console based 'vi' or for graphical 'kedit' or 'vim'. Alot of people swear by joe
(console based) or emacs (console and gui)
Linux does use the standard 'CTRL-C' (copy), 'CTRL-X' (cut) and 'CTRL-V' (paste).
These keys work in every OS I have ever used (Win, Mac, OS/2, Linux, Solaris, etc).
You can also highlight and 'middle mouse' (or both left-right mouse) to paste.
You can also use 'K/Control Panel/Look and Feel' and then 'Key Bindings' to
configure everything to your hearts content. I would, however, try to learn how
Linux does it by default first, just in case you work on a different machine, and then
switch it to your settings.