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cutting and pasting between apps..

+/- details
User hyperdaz
Incident Number 4741
Date 2001/11/27 13:43
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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hyperdaz : 27/11/01 01:43 PM : Incident created
-   WHY DOES THE CUT AND PASTE NOT WORK FROM APPLICATION TO APPLICATION ITS ANNOYING... CUTTING from say Kate editor to Galeon or what ever does not allow... Cutting from gedit works but why should the user be faced with this.. or is it something I have setup wrong reagards, darren

Linegod_7611 : 27/11/01 02:02 PM : Reply received
-   Kate uses its own clipboard, it's part of its editing features (I personally hate it). You
can configure it for 'normal' cut and paste through 'Settings/Configure Kate'

hyperdaz : 27/11/01 02:05 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks LineGod but that was just an example...

also shift Insert shift delete don't cut and paste.. I love them keys :)

whats the best editor to use??


Linegod_7611 : 28/11/01 07:21 AM : Reply received
-   I use a console based 'vi' or for graphical 'kedit' or 'vim'. Alot of people swear by joe
(console based) or emacs (console and gui)

Linux does use the standard 'CTRL-C' (copy), 'CTRL-X' (cut) and 'CTRL-V' (paste).
These keys work in every OS I have ever used (Win, Mac, OS/2, Linux, Solaris, etc).

You can also highlight and 'middle mouse' (or both left-right mouse) to paste.

You can also use 'K/Control Panel/Look and Feel' and then 'Key Bindings' to
configure everything to your hearts content. I would, however, try to learn how
Linux does it by default first, just in case you work on a different machine, and then
switch it to your settings.

hyperdaz : 28/11/01 10:24 AM : Incident closed

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