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Why does Mandrake[now and past versions]die wh

+/- details
User onederer
Incident Number 47405
Date 2002/12/30 04:07
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope XFree 86

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
onederer : 30/12/02 04:07 AM : Incident created
-   it reports that the Font Server cannot load the "default" font? Why does this cause a "FATAL ERROR"? How can one recover from such a bad error? Where is the directory location of the X Font Server? What is the name of the X Font server? What is the name of the "default" font? Where is the default font directory located? Does Mandrake provide a simple recovery for this? Why does this totally bomb out and kill the X server, and render it totally useless, and not runnable again?
This has been a chronic problem with version 9.0, and past Mandrake versions. It happens spontainously, and everytime, I've always had to re-install the entire operating system, to regain the X server facilities to run KDE.I tried to simply re-install the "X" packages, but to no avail. This must be because setup information(s) had also been destroyed in the breaking-down process. "X" is destroyed and KDE or Gnome or any of the others cannot run.
It does not render the Command Mode in-operable. That is unless one had chosen to go directly to the the graphics mode on boot-up. I always boot into the command prompt, and then "startx" to go to KDE. This has always given me a "out" when things go wrong. If one gets stuck in the graphics mode when this happens,the entire machine freezes, and ALT-CTRL-BKSPC are useless, as well as ALT-CTRL-DELETE.

Happy Holidays, and please BCC: a copy of your reply to:


Linegod_7611 : 30/12/02 08:39 PM : Reply received
-   Try restarting the font server:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

onederer : 31/12/02 03:57 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks for the tip. Since I have just started to setup Mandrake once more, after totally re-insalling it from scratch, I won't need to try to restart xfs, unless the "default" font goes bad again. When it died last time, I tried to recover by using "update". It didn't cure the problem. Only a new fresh install fixed it. This has been the same problem in the past, with prior versions.I also noticed that it crashed much more often with EXT2FS, than with ReiserFS.

kejly : 31/12/02 12:43 PM : Reply received
-   This normally happens, when you don't have free spacece on /. I had this
problem too, after freeing some space (20 MB will be enough) works it. The X
setup information are not destroyed, for X start is enough to have "unix/:1"
FontPath selected and fonts will be generated.
s pozdravem/MfG/regards
David Kejzlar

kejly : 31/12/02 01:04 PM : Reply received
-   This normally happens, when you don't have free spacece on /. I had this
problem too, after freeing some space (20 MB will be enough) works it. The X
setup information are not destroyed, for X start is enough to have "unix/:1"
FontPath selected and fonts will be generated.
s pozdravem/MfG/regards
David Kejzlar

onederer : 12/03/03 06:38 PM : Incident closed
-   These people came up with an answer that I had been searching for, for a very long time. I appreciate that.

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