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installation cdrom for mandrake9.0

+/- details
User ganlinxin
Incident Number 47300
Date 2002/12/29 00:39
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
ganlinxin : 29/12/02 12:39 AM : Incident created
-   what files or directory must be included in the installation CDROM?
what will the CDROM file structure look like?
why my system does not recognize my installation cdrom?

Linegod_7611 : 29/12/02 05:37 AM : Reply received
-   I'm guessing that you simply downloaded all the files from the Mandrake FTP
site. Although there are ways to create a CD in this fashion, most of them
require Linux to already be installed.

You want to download the ISO images from a Mandrake mirror, and burn them
following the directions for your burner to make CDs from ISOs (do not just copy
the ISO to a CD).

You can get the ISOs from a mirror at

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

ganlinxin : 29/12/02 04:59 PM : Incident closed
-   I want to thank you for your time trying to help me though my problem is that I could not create the correct installation cd from the iso image. I used a program called win***(I forget the name) to extract the image file and then burnt those files into cdrom(I do not have the easy cd creator) but linux just do not recognize the cdrom as the installation cdrom. Finally I used other people's easy cd creator and used the "record cd from image file" option to create the installation cdrom and it worked. I compared two cdroms and I could not tell any difference between the two. I would really appreciate if you could tell me the difference between the two methods I used.
My email address is [email protected]. Happy Holiday! Thank you!

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