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I need to know how to get started.

+/- details
User beeblebrox4278
Incident Number 4727
Date 2001/11/27 09:35
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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beeblebrox4278 : 27/11/01 09:35 AM : Incident created
-   I am currently a user of Windows XP Pro. I have an interest in learning Linux. I just finished downloading the 3 iso's off of an ftp site. I burned all 3 and popped the first one in and ran the tutorial. I must say... "I'm hooked". But, before I can do anything about it, I need some advice on how to set it up, will my current hardware even work, yada yada yada... Help?

Linegod_7611 : 27/11/01 09:42 AM : More info requested
-   That might be easier to answer if you filled out your hardware profile :)

beeblebrox4278 : 27/11/01 09:48 AM : More info provided
-   I tried to add all of my stuff in but it just wouldn't take it... But I will try again.

beeblebrox4278 : 27/11/01 09:58 AM : More info provided
-   OK, all of my stuff is there now. But some of the info got chopped off. I have two HDD's. One is a WD Caviar 40GB, and the other is a Maxtor 15 GB. The main ? that I have is, Can I have XP on one HDD and Linux on the other?
When I tried doing that with XP and 2KPRO, I got locked out of the XP drive cuz the boot loader got all messed up. Will the same thing happen here?

Linegod_7611 : 28/11/01 07:10 AM : Reply received
-   It shouldn't. Make sure you create a Linux boot disk during the install, and if it does
lock you out of Windows, boot with a DOS boot disk and type 'fdisk /MBR' and then
use a Linux boot disk to boot into Linux when you want to use it.

beeblebrox4278 : 28/11/01 12:30 PM : More info provided
-   Thank you for all your help...I guess I should just go ahead and install it and see what happens.. If I have any more problems, I'll come back and ask.

Thanx again...


Linegod_7611 : 28/11/01 01:14 PM : Reply received
-   No problem. For best results, close this question, and ask a new question with any
specific problems you have with the install.

beeblebrox4278 : 04/12/01 07:11 PM : Incident closed

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