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Can't access the Internet through my LAN card

+/- details
User sarrangoiz
Incident Number 47267
Date 2002/12/28 18:05
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
sarrangoiz : 28/12/02 06:05 PM : Incident created
-   I've configured correctly the settings for the Internet, but to no avail. I've added the settings including my static IP address, DNS, gateway, etc. Network interface DOES come up, but it won't connect to the Internet. I've tried the same configuration info on Windoze XP and have had no problems connecting to the net.
I used the wizard to connect to the net and it apparently made things worse; I have the impression that now I have duplicate configuration files... when I configure my Internet access through netconf, the changes won't register in the wizard.

Help !

franticbob : 30/12/02 09:37 PM : More info requested
-   What do you mean exactly when you say you can't connect to the internet?

How are you trying to access the net, what kind of errors are you receiving?

Do you have more than one nic card installed?

Can you surf by IP address, can you do any other protocol such as ftp, or
ssh, or pop?

If you can provide more information that would be great.



sarrangoiz : 31/12/02 12:03 AM : More info provided
-   Problem solved ! Apparently, there were a lot of conflicts with the IP address assignment in our network. DNS was not working correctly either. The problems were solved today and everything is working O.K. now.

Thanks for your help !


sarrangoiz : 31/12/02 12:04 AM : Incident closed

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