- Create a copy of the 'my-size.cnf' file you want to use, call it 'my.cnf' and place
it in '/etc'. This is where the startup script will look for it
(/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql). You should always start and stop mysql with
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start' '/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop'. This script has taken
into account many of the recommendations of the O'Reilly book and others.
This brings us back to your first (and last) questions. Unless you have a
specific reason for moving mysql, it will be much better to leave it in it's proper
position (proper for Mandrake anyway). By changing this location, you will end
up breaking alot of scripts. If you still want to create a different directory, you
can always symbolically link it to the new directory, so that nothing else gets
messed up (make a backup of your data first):
# rm -rf /home/alldta
# mv /var/lib/mysql /home/alldta
# ln -s /home/alldta /var/lib/mysql
As a note, when reading any documentation on Linux, you must remember that
there are dozens of different ways to configure many applications, but
distributions such as Mandrake (Redhat, Debian, etc) have already done much
of the configuration and installation work.
The MySQL that comes with Mandrake works straight out of the box. If I
where you, I would leave the settings as they are for now, until you get use to
the way that Mandrake is configured. Once you get a feel for it, you can
start to 'tweek' the system.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this