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Install to a 2nd harddrive

+/- details
User mwolff1957
Incident Number 47123
Date 2002/12/27 17:16
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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mwolff1957 : 27/12/02 05:16 PM : Incident created
-   In Mandrakes example of configuring the harddrive it shows how to configure the primary harddrive. I installed a 2nd harddrive to put linux on to not interfere with windows. (3 questions) 1) will mandrake 9 recognise the 2nd harddrive and then have a second tab on the DiskDrake utility? If so, then do I ask to use free space or erase data and let Mandrake format drive. All it has on it now is computer info making it a slave drive to the 1st harddrive. 2) After I install Mandrake and set up a bootlegger using LiLo, A) can it be set up on the MBR on 1st harddrive along with windows? and B) what are the steps to make Windows my default boot after 10 seconds? I want this to occur for the benefit of my wife who has a hardtime using computers (even windows). 3) Will an Intel HaM Plus V.90 modem work with Mandrake? I cannot seem to access the hardware profiles catagory. I don't understand what you mean by entering additional info and the saying (needs to be at least 2 characters).

Thanks for your help,
Michael W.

Linegod_7611 : 27/12/02 05:53 PM : Reply received
-   As a side note, you are usually better off asking seperate questions for each
incident. Asking multiple questions per incident lowers the chance that an
expert will know how to answer.


1. It will appear as a second tab, and you should have it use the freespace.
2. a. Yes, setting LILO on the MBR of the 1st drive is actually preferred.
b. During the install process, you can simply select your Windows partition
during the boot loader phase, and click on 'Default'. If you want to do it after,
go to 'K/Configuration/Mandrake Control Center/Boot/Boot Config' and then click
'Configure' then 'OK', select your 'Windows' partition and click on default.
3. The Intel HaM plus does not appear to be in the database, but unless it is a
'winmodem' it should work. And by 'enter 2 characters' it means you should
type in 'ham' or 'intel' to narrow down the search.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

mwolff1957 : 31/12/02 08:29 AM : Incident closed
-   This was my first incident and so is the fastest response time in making sure what I would see or do when installing linux. If you ever team up with writers for Que publishing to make the visual learning series on linux, that'll be a great thing. It's nice to be a newbie and be able to use DrakeX to install linux and then be able to do minor activities in the X configuration of linux, but if I have to edit files that I'm only becoming familar with, it's scary, because I don't know what to do if my computer crashes ar freezes. I liked your graphical tutorial on the install process, but would like more of that in the everyday applications. A hard task I know, but it would be useful. If I could help out with a project like that, let me know.

Michael W.

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