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Internet Problem

+/- details
User jasonhughes
Incident Number 46822
Date 2002/12/24 02:07
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
jasonhughes : 24/12/02 02:07 AM : Incident created
-   My Internet connection has stopped working in Mandrake 9.0. My connection works fine in Windows XP. I have checked the information in XP (using ipconfig) that I need to set up my connection in Mandrake and it is still the same; all I have ever needed to set up my connection in Linux is the hostname. This was not like this couple days ago. I just booted into Linux this morning and it could not get my eth0 connection working. When I boot into Linux I get an error message on the screen: "Determining IP information for eth0... failed." My ISP does not allow static connections. I have a cable modem and my ISP is Comcast; unfortunately Comcast does not provide support for Linux. :( Please help.

Linegod_7611 : 24/12/02 04:38 AM : Reply received
-   You may want to contact Comcast and simply ask them if they changed their
Dhcp server software.

Anyway, to detemine if the problem is on your end, open up a console (ALT-F2
then 'konsole') and change to root (type 'su' and then your root password).
After this do:

# tail -f /var/log/messages

You can leave this console open, it will give you a running log of what is
happening on your system (more or less). You'll then want to restart your
network connection, and attempt to get an IP assigned to you. Open up
another console, log in as root, and then do:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

The error messages may give you some info on what is going on. If need be,
post the output.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jasonhughes : 24/12/02 06:07 PM : More info provided
-   I called Comcast and asked them if they have changed their DHCP server software recently and they said, "No."

Here is the output I received:

[root@nash01 jason]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Dec 24 05:01:02 nash01 msec: changed group of /var/log/ksyms.5 from root to adm
Dec 24 05:01:02 nash01 msec: changed mode of /var/log/linuxconf/netconf.log from
644 to 640
Dec 24 05:01:51 nash01 su(pam_unix)[3553]: session closed for user root
Dec 24 05:04:30 nash01 gconfd (root-3599): starting (version 1.2.1), pid 3599 us
er 'root'
Dec 24 05:04:31 nash01 gconfd (root-3599): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/etc/g
conf/gconf.xml.mandatory" to a read-only config source at position 0
Dec 24 05:04:31 nash01 gconfd (root-3599): Resolved address "xml:readwrite:/root
/.gconf" to a writable config source at position 1
Dec 24 05:04:31 nash01 gconfd (root-3599): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/etc/g
conf/gconf.xml.defaults" to a read-only config source at position 2
Dec 24 05:04:31 nash01 su(pam_unix)[3191]: session closed for user root
Dec 24 05:04:52 nash01 su(pam_unix)[3259]: session closed for user root
Dec 24 05:05:13 nash01 su(pam_unix)[3636]: session opened for user root by (uid=
Dec 24 05:05:41 nash01 su(pam_unix)[3703]: session opened for user root by (uid=
Dec 24 05:06:12 nash01 network: Shutting down loopback interface: succeeded
Dec 24 05:06:13 nash01 network: Setting network parameters: succeeded
Dec 24 05:06:13 nash01 network: Bringing up loopback interface: succeeded
Dec 24 05:06:13 nash01 ifup: Determining IP information for eth0...
Dec 24 05:06:31 nash01 gconfd (root-3599): GConf server is not in use, shutting
Dec 24 05:06:31 nash01 gconfd (root-3599): Exiting
Dec 24 05:08:19 nash01 dhcpcd[3951]: timed out waiting for a valid DHCP server r
Dec 24 05:08:19 nash01 ifup: failed.
Dec 24 05:08:20 nash01 network: Bringing up interface eth0: failed

Linegod_7611 : 25/12/02 12:24 AM : Reply received
-   Are you using Internet Connection Sharing on this box?
Do you have a firewall setup on this box?
Is it a dual-boot, if so, does it work in your other OS?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jasonhughes : 25/12/02 02:23 AM : More info provided
-   No I am not using Internet Connection Sharing. I'm using the firewall that comes with Mandrake Linux. Yes, it is a dual-boot. I have Mandrake 9.0 and Windows XP Home on one machine and it does work in Windows XP.

Linegod_7611 : 28/12/02 05:11 PM : Reply received
-   OK, try reconfiguring your network connection - either through
'K/Configuration/Mandrake Control Center' or run 'drakconnect'. Keep the 'tail'
running to see if it responds differently. If that does not work, try turning
down the firewall (shorewall clear) then try restarting the network connection
('ifdown eth0' then 'ifup eth0').

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jasonhughes : 30/12/02 02:42 PM : More info provided
-   Well, I've tried practically everything imaginable, even erasing my old Mandrake 9.0 partition and installing Mandrake all over again and it still doesn't work, but it works just fine in Windows (otherwise I couldn't send you this). I think I'm just about out of options. :( What else can I do??? There's gotta be something I can do. ;)

Linegod_7611 : 30/12/02 08:26 PM : Reply received
-   Two things to try:

1. Edit '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0' and add the line:

Then exit, run 'tail -f /var/log/messages' in a seperate console, and execute:
# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0

Repeat this process, changing the above line to:

2. Copy down the IP that it hands you in Windows, and setup your connection
as a static connection - not a permanent fix but may prove out that the drivers
in Linux are loading properly.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jasonhughes : 31/12/02 07:01 PM : More info provided
-   Nope, that didn't work either. I am so mad at Comcast for whatever they did to make their service not work with Linux!!! <Gets Mad> :(

jasonhughes : 03/01/03 10:01 PM : Incident closed
-   Nevermind. I just deleted Linux from my hard drive.

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