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Issues with shutdown and umount - /net is busy

+/- details
User vasbinde
Incident Number 46508
Date 2002/12/20 22:59
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
vasbinde : 20/12/02 10:59 PM : Incident created
-   Hi all,

I am a new user of Mandrake Linux 9.0. I am using the amd daemon to handle mounting and unmounting of devices and I'm getting an error on shutdown where the "/net device is busy".

I have tried to go into /etc/rc6.d and rc0.d and rc1.d and rename K28amd down to K02. I have heard that this will work. I'll try it now.

What effect will this renaming have?

Also, it was recommended to # comment out the line in the /etc/auto.master file "/net /etc/auto.master...."

What effect will that have if I do it?

Thanks for you help!

Best Regards,

Linegod_7611 : 21/12/02 06:37 PM : Reply received
-   Renaming it to K02amd will cause it to be run sooner than it was. The 'K' is for
kill and the '02' is the order, relative to other scripts in the directory, in which it
is run.

Commenting out that line means that '/net' will no longer be controlled by the

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

vasbinde : 23/12/02 01:54 AM : Incident closed

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