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abefroman : 26/11/01 03:18 AM : Incident created |
- does apache server start automatically? When i do a ? whereis apache commmand i get....
i want to see if my web files work before posting them to my webserver, do that have to be in a special directory or do i jsut set permissions if they are a script? The scripts should run in the browser right?
thanks in advance for your help,
Linegod_7611 : 26/11/01 06:58 AM : Reply received |
- To see if apache is started a boot, run 'drakxservices'.
To see if it is currently running type '/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd status'
To restart apache, type '/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart'
The default directory for your files with Mandrakes Apache is '/var/www/html' , and scripts should be put in '/var/www/cgi-bin'. See the
configuration file for apache for further info - '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf' and '/etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf'
Linegod_7611 : 26/11/01 06:59 AM : Reply received |
- And you would proably want to use the command 'which apache' to see the location of the executable, but with servers, this is usually
not very helpful, as you normally don't execute the server directly.
abefroman : 26/11/01 07:15 AM : More info provided |
- thanks, that helped at ton!!! now to call a page if i want to test a webiste residing on my machine only do i type file:/var/www/cgi-bin/ or do i do something like http://computersname/cgi-bin/ neither way works so i think i am doing something slightly wrong, got any tips?
thnaks again,
Linegod_7611 : 26/11/01 12:38 PM : Reply received |
- Try http://localhost/cgi-bin/helloworld.cgi and then check '/var/log/httpd/error_log' or you can open up two consoles, and run:
# tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log
# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
This should point you in the right direction. Hit CTRL-C to stop 'tail'.
abefroman : 26/11/01 02:41 PM : More info provided |
- thanks!!! i can open html files alread in the /var/www directory but if i try to save something i wrote or even just click and drag, it says "access denied" Is there something special i have to do to get files in that directory?
thanks again,
sentenzaex : 26/11/01 03:06 PM : Reply received |
- Hi,
Your files must be readable by the apache user (generally www or nobody). So
your file should be readable or owned by this user and directories must be
readable and executable.
abefroman : 26/11/01 03:17 PM : More info provided |
- Wahooo!!!! Thanks, it works, now. You da man!!! That weird about the permissions, i had to set group and others to write, even it should have worked with just user set to write is the current user created the file, so i logged in as root changed the permissions and it worked.
Thanks again for your help!
Abe Froman
sentenzaex : 26/11/01 06:31 PM : Reply received |
- The best to do is to have your pages owned by the WWW user and all /cgi-bin
owned by someone else, but accessible in reading.
Please close the bug in Mandrake expert
abefroman : 26/11/01 07:55 PM : Incident closed |