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Mail server

+/- details
User jamreb1
Incident Number 4514
Date 2001/11/26 02:00
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Mail Server

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jamreb1 : 26/11/01 02:00 AM : Incident created
-   Doesn't Mandrake Linux 8.1 come with a mail server? I notice it might be called Postfix. How do I tell if I have it or not. And how do i activate it and configure it if I do? If I don't can I download it? And how do I configure Apache?

Linegod_7611 : 26/11/01 06:40 AM : Reply received
-   One question at a time please, it ensures that an expert will not have to skip part of your message.

Mandrake does come with both sendmail and postfix. I would recommend using postfix. To install it, you can use Software
Manager to install it off of the first CD. The majority of the configuration should automatically be setup if your system if configured
correctly. For further help, see '/usr/share/doc/postfix-x.x' once it is installed, and

The same is true for apache, with documentation being found at '/usr/share/doc/apache-x.x' and

jamreb1 : 28/11/01 03:34 AM : Incident closed

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