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More security Wine vs. VMware ?

+/- details
User mead
Incident Number 45074
Date 2002/12/14 12:03
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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mead : 14/12/02 12:03 PM : Incident created
-   Hello.

If I use Linux as a Host OS, and use Wine or VMware to dial up to the internet, does that mean that hackers can 'only' see the windows virtual drive and not the linux drives? I would prefer to connect without having to re boot into windows, I'm not sure which method is more secure.

Thank you.

Linegod_7611 : 15/12/02 08:13 PM : Reply received
-   In theory, if someone hacked your box, via a exploit in Windows, while you are
in an emulated mode, VMWare would be the more secure enviroment from a
'harddrive access' point of view, as the entire OS is running within a container,
while WINE is loading the Windows dlls within Linux. But, WINE would be more
surcure from the point of view that you would not be running any other
'Windows' software that could be exploited. Both scenarios are unlikely though,
as most remote exploits take advantage of insecure software running on the
host machine.

So overall, WINE is your best bet.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

mead : 04/01/03 03:32 PM : Incident closed

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