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kernel not invoking init

+/- details
User abcd5
Incident Number 44860
Date 2002/12/12 20:49
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Development

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abcd5 : 12/12/02 08:49 PM : Incident created
-   hi. i recompiled a kernel form the sources provided with the cds of Mandrake 9.0. After that -> installing it with 'installkernel', then 'lilo' and reboot. Chosing the new kernel from the lilo prompt and the system starts to boot. till after the moment it mounts the filesystems. then it just stops and does nothing. then i reboot, chose the original kernel and everything works fine. when i compare the 2 cases, i notice that with the new kernel the booting stops just before the line 'starting init ver....'. that's what makes me thing the init isn't started.
If anyone thinks this is not the case - i'd appreciate the help. Any solutions are also welcomed :)

Linegod_7611 : 13/12/02 05:02 AM : Reply received
-   Try created a yourkernel-initrd.img and added the appropriate line to
'/etc/lilo.conf'. Do a 'man mkinitrd' for more info.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

abcd5 : 13/12/02 08:31 PM : More info provided
-   installkernel makes an inird..img file but i tried your advice too. the result was a slightly bigger initrd...img file. the appropriate line was also added to the lilo.conf. the result was not different than before. the system boots -> the lilo starts, the kernel is loaded /at least to some extend - i can't determine if the whole kernel is loaded/, the system stops before loading any services and continues no more. since i was not allways using this particullar pc, i was informed that there was also a problem with recompiling a kernel and making it to work under Mandrake 8.0. The person that tried that at the same time tried to recompile a kernel under RedHat 7.2 and succeeded in that.

Linegod_7611 : 15/12/02 09:19 PM : Reply received
-   Are you getting a console output during boot, or a graphical output?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

abcd5 : 16/12/02 12:21 PM : More info provided
-   a console output

Linegod_7611 : 17/12/02 10:41 PM : Reply received
-   I've search through some of the lists, and it appears that some people had
problems recompiling the kernel for 9.0. You may want to try the latest
developement kernel from a Cooker mirror.

And is there a specific reason you are recompiling the kernel?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

abcd5 : 28/01/03 01:40 PM : Incident closed

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