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resize partitions

+/- details
User atari1981
Incident Number 44196
Date 2002/12/08 14:59
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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atari1981 : 08/12/02 02:59 PM : Incident created
-   I made my "/" partition too small. I would like to enlarge it. I also have a /usr and a /home partition.
How can I do that without reinstalling all ?

Thankyou very much
Andrea Franceschini
[email protected]

Linegod_7611 : 08/12/02 06:08 PM : Reply received
-   If you are using ext2 or ext3 drives, you can use the 'parted' (urpmi parted).
However, resizing partitions can be tricky, and you may corrupt your data.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

atari1981 : 09/12/02 10:10 PM : More info provided
-   I installed the package and I run it. This is my partition table:

Minor Start End Type Filesystem Flags
1 0,031 10575,140 primary ntfs boot
2 10575,141 19595,460 extended
5 10575,171 10724,765 logical ext2
6 10724,796 10871,437 logical linux-swap
7 10871,468 15450,257 logical ext2
8 15450,289 18220,781 logical ext2
9 18220,812 19595,460 logical fat32

Number 5 is that I want to enlarge. What should I exactly do now ?
I tried the command resize but it said to me that the partition isn't unmounted.....
Does it takes the space from another ext2 partition by itself ?

thankyou very much
Andrea Franceschini [email protected]

Linegod_7611 : 12/12/02 06:01 AM : Reply received
-   Boot with the Mandrake CD, hit F1 at the splash screen, and type 'rescue'.
Select 'console' from the menu that comes up.

This will put you at a console with no partitions mounted. You will then be able
to resize. You will have to shrink another partition before you can 'grow'
another one.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

atari1981 : 12/12/02 04:30 PM : Incident closed

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