If I want to install a knew sotware, have I to u
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maleck : 07/12/02 08:40 PM : Incident created |
- This is the problem: I want to instal a knew sotware that I download in tar.gz format, so I have to compile and etc..., but I have installed an old version in rpm format, so have I to unistall the rpm or it will be upgraded when I put "make install"?
what is the rigth procedure?
Linegod_7611 : 07/12/02 09:10 PM : Reply received |
- The rpm and the tar.gz are not compatible. You will have to uninstall the RPM
prior to compiling and installing the tar.gz.
# rpm -e nameofrpm
I would, however, check to see if there is an updated RPM first - check
http://rpmfind.net and do a search for the package.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this
maleck : 15/12/02 01:06 AM : Incident closed |
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