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kunstmusik : 25/11/01 07:14 AM : Incident created |
- I have a couple of issues i can't seem to resolve. When using XMMS, sometimes (more often than not) the audio gets muted. This will happen when going from one song to another. What happens is that when one song ends, the next one starts, and the LED's all show as if the audio is playing correctly, but there is no sound until i adjust the audio level somehow. Then audio plays again until the next song. however, sometimes, between songs it's fine.
If it's of any help, CD audio playback is fine. Some other programs I've tried that use /dev/dsp have been performing a bit poorly (dropouts, stuttering of sound, pops, as if latency is rediculously poor).
I am running on a AMD 1400 mhz Athlong with 512 meg ram, and 2 7200rpm 20 gig drives.
Linegod_7611 : 25/11/01 09:12 AM : Reply received |
- Try turning off 'artsd' and see if it helps - K/Control Center/Sound/Sound Server
kunstmusik : 25/11/01 08:49 PM : More info provided |
- oh, i forgot to mention that i'm using Gnome, not KDE. I also checked running processes with GTop and artsd is not running. I also have Gnome event sounds turned off.
Linegod_7611 : 26/11/01 01:08 AM : More info requested |
- Then try launching XMMS with 'soundwrapper xmms'
Could you also fill out your profile, so I know which version you are using.
kunstmusik : 26/11/01 06:36 AM : More info provided |
- i filled out my info, but i'm a bit new to this, so i couldn't figure out where to put it all. I'm running mandrake 8.1. also, the xmms shortcut i have been using already has "soundwrapper xmms" as its command.
Linegod_7611 : 26/11/01 12:34 PM : Reply received |
- Can you check which sound driver you are using with XMMS? (It's in the properties)
kunstmusik : 27/11/01 08:41 AM : More info provided |
- yes, i am using 'OSS Sound Driver 1.2.5 []'
Linegod_7611 : 27/11/01 09:31 AM : More info requested |
- Alright, what type of soundcard is it?
kunstmusik : 27/11/01 08:13 PM : More info provided |
- it's an SB Live Value card.
kunstmusik : 28/11/01 10:06 AM : More info provided |
- i'm getting closer. i think it has something to do with Esound and gnome. i ended up modifying /etc/esd.conf and turned off autospawning and -ac 2 and -terminate. things seem to be running without a hitch now, as long as i leave gmix open.
kunstmusik : 28/11/01 10:07 AM : Incident closed |