shorewall vs prelude
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gbbgpr : 07/12/02 08:07 AM : Incident created |
- In the previous version of Linux/Mandrake distribuition, prelude firewall was installed. Now, with the 9.0, I found both shorewall and prelude on my system. So the question(S):
Is this right?
Is prelude really necessary or is to be intended substituited by shorewall?
Is prelude something similar to snort instead?
In this case, why snort detects a lot of intrusion attempts while prelude doesn't?
Prelude uninstallation can conflict or render unsicure shorewall installation?
Giampiero Gabbiani
Linegod_7611 : 07/12/02 09:24 PM : Reply received |
- Prelude is a Intrusion Detection System, like snort. The default detection rules
in Snort tend to be alot more sensitive than Prelude, so it picks up alot more
You only require Prelude if you want to be notified of any/all intrusions,
removing it will not in any way limit the capabilites of Shorewall.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this
gbbgpr : 08/12/02 10:06 AM : Incident closed |
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