- The only thing that I couldn't very that will work right away is the Asus
Scanner. Everything else should work just fine.
Mandrake will not run any Windows software directly (but there is an 'emulator'
called WINE, that will run some software, and some games). However, there is
'replacement' software for just about everything a user would do in Windows.
Mplayer can play just about every video format (quicktime and Windows Media
where just added), XMMS works and looks exactly the same as WinAmp, and
there are _tonnes_ of CD-Burning programs, the most popular being 'xcdroast'
and 'gcombust'. The default web browser in the KDE desktop, Konqueror, is
constructed the same way Internet Explorer is, and acts as a web browser/file
manager/image viewer, etc (although Konquerer has a more robust plugin
architecture, which allows it to do even more).
All of these packages, plus many others (Two Office Suites, Mail Programs, IRC,
News, Image Manipulation Programs, Web Servers, FTP Servers, Instant
Messaging, etc) all come with the distribution, with barely anything that has to
be downloaded, besides updates.
I would also recommend you check out the following sites for 'free' help and
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