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fat32 long filenames

+/- details
User jhalcrow
Incident Number 4359
Date 2001/11/24 20:14
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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jhalcrow : 24/11/01 08:14 PM : Incident created
-   Before I installed mandrake, I booted into dos mode and xcopy'd some files to another drive. I allowed mandrake to repartition my main drive as it saw fit. The second drive was found was mounted as vfat during installation. However, I can only see the fat16 versions of the files. Are the full filenames lost to me or is there something I can do to get linux to view the full names?

Linegod_7611 : 25/11/01 03:37 AM : Reply received
-   If I recall correctly, if you use DOS to xcopy files, you loose the long filenames, as it has no way to track the attribute 'hack' from MS.

jhalcrow : 08/12/01 03:55 AM : More info provided
-   I just xcopy'd a file with a long filename on a win 98 box and the file name was not truncated. Any ideas?

Stephane : 12/12/01 05:15 PM : Reply received
-   When you boot in DOS mode, the system will only create short file name, but in
a dos box from windows, it can preserve the full name. That's because real dos
can't handle long file names. Sorry for this, but i don't think your long file
names are recoverable. try to copy a file with a long name form real dos and
look at this name on windows or linux : the name will be cut to 8 charters.

jhalcrow : 13/03/02 05:27 AM : Incident closed

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