Cron Messages
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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ] |
michael52 : 24/11/01 02:33 AM : Incident created |
- I keep getting these messages every hour - how do I correct them?
touch: creating `/var/log/news/nntpsend.log': Permission denied
chmod: getting attributes of `/var/log/news/nntpsend.log': Permission denied
/usr/bin/nntpsend: /var/log/news/nntpsend.log: Permission denied
run-parts: /etc/cron.hourly/inn-cron-nntpsend exited with return code 1
Cannot open /etc/news/inn.conf
run-parts: /etc/cron.hourly/inn-cron-rnews exited with return code 1
Linegod_7611 : 24/11/01 07:19 AM : Reply received |
- If you are not running a news server, I would uninstall 'inn'
# rpm -e inn
michael52 : 24/11/01 04:59 PM : Incident closed |
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