- Hi,
I have some Unsupported motherboard drivers I suspect and it suggested I send them to you. However I have a ASUS P4B5ss which is really new and I'm sure you have not developed drivers to support this yet. Performance of the motherboard by the way is excellent. I have a few problems. Your supported hardware list is extremely brief. I hope some of the following is supported or will be in the future. I wanted Mandrake 9.0 but it was not available at the store, and I'm only 56k dial up. To cheap to buy DSL.
You might want to add a message that COOKIES ARE REQUIRED to log on. I turn mine off by default.
Anyway here goes.
I have a resource conflict when Linux starts and I have not been able to find a log that shows what that conflict is. I suspect it is something on the motherboard since it is so new.
In Linuxconf I try to view logs and they scroll off the bottom of the page and there is no way to size the windows. I have the same problems with the Konqueror browser. Changing the settings the bottom half of the page is below the screen and I need to move the window to make changes.
Documentation talks about adding Netscape plug0ins, but the descriptions of finding the "Properties" don't exist. How do you really add plugins?
I upgraded from Mandrake 7.1. I have a Apple Laser Writer Select printer. All it really is ia a generic postscript level one printer. I can't configure any post script printer to print to it. Nothing prints. It could be a parallel port problem, but I doubt it. Hopefully someone at Mandrake has had some support experience with this problem.
The supplied ATI Radeon driver does not work. I have a nice ATI Radeon 9000 Pro adapeter that I can't use with Mandrake at this time. Is there any hope for getting an updated AGP 4x driver for the ATI Radeon 9000???
I also need to change the PCI bus rate to 100mhx. I see messages that I can change this setting, but I can't find where to change it.
Lastly I don't have any sound using Konqueror. Sound works great with everything else, not the browser. I'm a little confused about why.
If some of this is mis spelled or garbled it is because the font is about 5 point and I can't read much of this. Being able to size the fonts correctly as Netscape does would be nice as well.
The device numbers I am supposed to report that are not identified in DrakeConf, are 8061a30, 8061a31, 80624c2, 80624c4, 80624c7, 80624cd, 806244e, 80624cd, and 80624cb.
I user Mandrake for the internet mostly, I'm experimenting with file serving and other toys that come with Linux, but at this time I would appreciate any help you could provide on the above problems.
I am interested in 9.0 if it supports my hardware.
Oh and missing from my system configuration is a CD writer, and HP 8100i I think. Works fine.
Thanks for your help, Happy thanksgiving.