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A few proboems

+/- details
User swamprat
Incident Number 42576
Date 2002/11/28 01:08
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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swamprat : 28/11/02 01:08 AM : Incident created
-   Hi,

I have some Unsupported motherboard drivers I suspect and it suggested I send them to you. However I have a ASUS P4B5ss which is really new and I'm sure you have not developed drivers to support this yet. Performance of the motherboard by the way is excellent. I have a few problems. Your supported hardware list is extremely brief. I hope some of the following is supported or will be in the future. I wanted Mandrake 9.0 but it was not available at the store, and I'm only 56k dial up. To cheap to buy DSL.

You might want to add a message that COOKIES ARE REQUIRED to log on. I turn mine off by default.
Anyway here goes.

I have a resource conflict when Linux starts and I have not been able to find a log that shows what that conflict is. I suspect it is something on the motherboard since it is so new.

In Linuxconf I try to view logs and they scroll off the bottom of the page and there is no way to size the windows. I have the same problems with the Konqueror browser. Changing the settings the bottom half of the page is below the screen and I need to move the window to make changes.

Documentation talks about adding Netscape plug0ins, but the descriptions of finding the "Properties" don't exist. How do you really add plugins?

I upgraded from Mandrake 7.1. I have a Apple Laser Writer Select printer. All it really is ia a generic postscript level one printer. I can't configure any post script printer to print to it. Nothing prints. It could be a parallel port problem, but I doubt it. Hopefully someone at Mandrake has had some support experience with this problem.

The supplied ATI Radeon driver does not work. I have a nice ATI Radeon 9000 Pro adapeter that I can't use with Mandrake at this time. Is there any hope for getting an updated AGP 4x driver for the ATI Radeon 9000???

I also need to change the PCI bus rate to 100mhx. I see messages that I can change this setting, but I can't find where to change it.

Lastly I don't have any sound using Konqueror. Sound works great with everything else, not the browser. I'm a little confused about why.

If some of this is mis spelled or garbled it is because the font is about 5 point and I can't read much of this. Being able to size the fonts correctly as Netscape does would be nice as well.

The device numbers I am supposed to report that are not identified in DrakeConf, are 8061a30, 8061a31, 80624c2, 80624c4, 80624c7, 80624cd, 806244e, 80624cd, and 80624cb.

I user Mandrake for the internet mostly, I'm experimenting with file serving and other toys that come with Linux, but at this time I would appreciate any help you could provide on the above problems.

I am interested in 9.0 if it supports my hardware.

Oh and missing from my system configuration is a CD writer, and HP 8100i I think. Works fine.

Thanks for your help, Happy thanksgiving.

swamprat : 28/11/02 01:21 AM : More info provided
-   This is a Linux ONLY configuration. No dual boot.

I tried to attach a file, but Konqueror got hosed and I had to kill it and restart.

Linegod_7611 : 29/11/02 11:09 PM : Reply received
-   Your odds of having your questions answered are greater if you only ask one
question at a time. The odds of finding an expert who can/is willing to
answer all of your problems is low.

I would suggest that you close this incident and ask seperate questions,
waiting for one or two to be resolved before proceeding to the next problem,
as one fix may solve serveral problems.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

mdkstore-csusa : 30/11/02 04:28 PM : Reply received
-   dear customer,

Please send your question to And needful will be done.



swamprat : 02/12/02 09:50 PM : Incident closed

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