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Screen Flicker using ATI Rage Pro Mach 64

+/- details
User krigby
Incident Number 4244
Date 2001/11/23 19:36
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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krigby : 23/11/01 07:36 PM : Incident created
-   am getting some very annoying screen flicker on my monitor. I have a ATI Rage Pro II Mach 64 card and an IBM 7095-593 monitor. The flicker seems to start at the top of the screen and work it's way down. I only notice it when I move the mouse or the screen is being redrawn. If there is no activity, the only distortion I notice is short, white horizontal lines flashing on the screen in a band starting at the top and going down. I had this identical problem on another PC with exactly the same video card, but a different adapter.

Linegod_7611 : 24/11/01 08:02 AM : Reply received
-   Try lowering your colours to 16bit.

krigby : 26/11/01 05:29 PM : Incident closed
-   I set my resolution to 1024.768 and lowered the color depth and the annoying flicker is gone.

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