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sound doesn't work properly

+/- details
User omagere
Incident Number 4190
Date 2001/11/23 09:23
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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omagere : 23/11/01 09:23 AM : Incident created
-   After the install, I have noticed that sound wouldn't work. I've checked for dsp in /dev/ and have created the links :
ln -s dsp sound/dsp
ln -s dsp1 sound/dsp1

things got better but then I noticed that only root user could make reaplayer

There is no problem with the sound card config since sound works for root. However it seems that access is restricted. Thanks in advance.

sentenzaex : 23/11/01 10:17 AM : Reply received
-   take a look at users rights on your devices: Your users have to be able to
read and write on /dev/sound/dsp(1).
If your system is not sensitive you can simply :

chmod a rw /dev/sound/dsp*

sentenzaex : 23/11/01 10:18 AM : Reply received
-   One thing more: The must be abble to enter /dev/sound too, so use

chmod a rx /dev/sound

omagere : 23/11/01 10:32 AM : More info provided
-   I have done that, but that doesn't resolve the realplayer problem and that doesn't survive a reboot. I read somewhere that devfs should create these sym links automatically ?

Further more, the whole content of the /dev/sound directory is owned by my user, not by root.

I have created another user to check whether there was a wrong local conf but the new user also has the same problem.

MandrakeSoft : 23/11/01 12:56 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,
Add though the userdrake utility the normal users to the sound group. Lauch the userdrake command in a shell as root and just
do the appropriate job to add the user to this group.

This should solve normally the problem you are faced with.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

omagere : 25/11/01 01:46 AM : More info provided
-   That seems to have worked. But will my symlinks still be there after a reboot ? I do that very rarely but it happens....

Also, the problem is that in KDE, the arts sound server seems to keep other process access the audio device. Can it be configured to share it with others like a good boy ? And if not, is the arts sound server necessary to sound in KDE ?

Thanks a lot.

MandrakeSoft : 26/11/01 06:21 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,

Yes any symlinks you create will be there upon reboot.

As far as i know the arts server is the sound deamon for the kde environment althought i believe maybe you can use other sound deamons to do your day to day tasks you, If you choose not to use arts as the sound deamon you might not have some of the system sounds that come with kde. Although arts can be configured to run in a different mode by using the control center that comes with kde arts can be configured to run in dual channel mode which would allow more than 1 application to use the soundcard that is if your soundcard suppports that feature.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

omagere : 12/12/01 11:37 PM : Incident closed

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