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botched linux install left on drive

+/- details
User adeelarshad
Incident Number 41822
Date 2002/11/24 15:05
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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adeelarshad : 24/11/02 03:05 PM : Incident created
-   hello all,

i just installed linux and the computer crashed while it was half way through. i tried reinstalling it but it keeps giving me lots of errors. Ive tried formatting the drive to completely remove Linux but it leaves the bootscreen behind and still tries to load linux when its not there..

i want to COMPLETELY remove all traces of linux and re-install it with the "into a windows folder" option.. does anyone know how i can completely remove it so it leves no trace behind.

the way its been installed is using a full drive partition so it takes up the whole drive. why i did this i dont know.. i wish i hadnt since now im stuck with mandrake 9 and it doesnt work propperly.. (lots and lots of errors.. too many to list)

please please please someone help me remove this product so i can return my computer to normal.


if possible please reply to [email protected]

Linegod_7611 : 25/11/02 06:20 AM : Reply received
-   Insert a DOS boot disk, and when it boots up, type:

fdisk /mbr

This will remove LILO (the LInux LOader) from your Master Boot Record.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

adeelarshad : 25/11/02 01:13 PM : Incident closed
-   thanx for the help.. i checked a few other forums also and they gave the same advice.. and it worked too! you people are so clever! :D ok now im off to try linux with the "in a windows folder" option! thanx again! bye

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