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MenuDrake...why change what worked in KDE?

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User Apostata
Incident Number 4175
Date 2001/11/23 06:19
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Window Managers

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Apostata : 23/11/01 06:19 AM : Incident created
-   Why is it that on other distros where I loaded KDE 2.2, the menu-config tool allowed me to browse for application icons anywhere on the hard drive, whereas the KDE menu-config with Mandrake 8.1 (called MenuDrake) won't allow me to do this? It seems I'm forced to choose only what's been already I missing something?

Linegod_7611 : 23/11/01 06:45 AM : Reply received
-   That's just the way that they configured it (don't ask me why). You could just add your icons (or
symbolically link them) to '/usr/share/icons' and then you will have access to them.

Apostata : 02/12/01 11:50 PM : Incident closed

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