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mailman rpm install hassle

+/- details
User ericberry
Incident Number 40883
Date 2002/11/19 01:02
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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ericberry : 19/11/02 01:02 AM : Incident created
-   I have mandrake 9.0 running on a P-III 1GHz with 512MB RAM. I had installed mailman, but it was not working (and I might have broken something in the conf files). I decided to re-install mailman to start again, however it tells me that the programme is already installed, but if I go to uninstall it, then it tells me that the programme is _not_ installed... ??? [root@mail eric]# rpm -ivh mailman-2.0.13-2mdk.i586.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] package mailman-2.0.13-2mdk is already installed [root@mail eric]# rpm -e mailman-2.0.13-2mdk.i586.rpm error: package mailman-2.0.13-2mdk.i586.rpm is not installed [root@mail eric]#

Linegod_7611 : 19/11/02 01:35 AM : Reply received
-   To uninstall an RPM, you don't need to specify the build or package, and in most cases the version.

# rpm -e mailman-2.0.13-2mdk
# rpm -e mailman

would both work.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

tivolle : 19/11/02 02:53 AM : Reply received
-   Or if you have a corrupted rpm database, you can ask rpm to rebuild it from
what is installed on your system:
#rpm --rebuilddb


ericberry : 19/11/02 06:10 AM : Incident closed
-   This was exactly the assistance I needed to get past my problem. I couldn't be happier!

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