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php and apache

+/- details
User Seshouan
Incident Number 40735
Date 2002/11/18 04:15
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Web Server

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Seshouan : 18/11/02 04:15 AM : Incident created
-   I installed the php package, but I can't seem to find the documentation that will allow me to plug it in with apache so that I can add php scripts in my server folder to be executed. Where can I get the documentation on installing php with apache?

also, I have apache runing and it shows me the default page, but I can't click on the link to the documentation of some standard apache modules. it gives me an error page stating that the server doesn't have permission to access /manual/mod/index.html . Is there a way for me to modify that so that I can read up on the modules? Thanks

Linegod_7611 : 18/11/02 06:07 AM : Reply received
-   You need to install the 'mod_php' RPM for PHP to work with Apache. It should be on your CD,
or you can get it from a mirror.

You can read the documentation with the '/etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf' configuration file on
how to add access to directories, or you can just use 'lynx /manual/mod/index.html'

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Seshouan : 19/11/02 06:39 AM : More info provided
-   I got php to work and execute, but I still have that issue with the link that results in a permission error, stating that I don't have permission to access manual/mod/index.html when I hit the "standard" link off of the default apache index page. I look in the var/www/html and see that "manual" is actually a link that points to something that is in the usr/share/doc/apache-manual-1.3.26. is there a way for me to have the links off of the default apach index page to work?

Seshouan : 19/11/02 07:01 AM : More info provided
-   If I use "msec" to change my security level from 4 to 3, I am able to access the link. but according to the security info in the Mandrake Control Center, level 4 is the required level to be running a server. Is level 3 still secure for a server? I am going to eventually have all my docs in the one main folder, I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything.

Linegod_7611 : 20/11/02 10:05 PM : Reply received
-   Level three should be fine for running a server, as long as you have all
unneeded services turned off.

If you want to switch to level 4, just edit '/usr/share/msec/perm.4' to allow
access to that directory.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Seshouan : 21/11/02 05:12 PM : Incident closed

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