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shutdown/logoff does not reboot correctly

+/- details
User sarsho
Incident Number 40643
Date 2002/11/17 06:44
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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sarsho : 17/11/02 06:44 AM : Incident created
-   I am having problems with logoff/shutdown. When I end a session, and
choose reboot, lInux seems to shutdown fine, but when the system reboots
it hangs on the bios splash screen (HP Pavilion) and the HD light stays on.
Another problem that I have (I'm not sure if they are related), is that
the time is wrong, and if I try to reset it, the computer reboots when I click
on "Apply", then hangs at the splash screen. My only thought is that because
I have three OS's, there may be some MBR issues, but I don't want to suggest
that is the problem because boot up seems to work great.
To accomplish this triple boot senerio, I run BootMagic 7.0 from hda1 which
hosts Win ME (0-541st cylinder). I choose between ME, XPH and MDK. XPH
is on hda2, and MDK along with Lilo is on hda3 (542nd - 3738th cylinder). If I
choose MDK, BootMagic passes to Lilo and MDK loads and works great.
So my problem seems to be rebooting back to BootMagic, but I dont know because
the computer never seems to get out of the bios sequence. I say this because I do
not here the system beep, just prior to Bootmagic startup like a good boot
does. And on another note, when the no startup happens, I simply turn off the
computer, and then restart and everything works.
So there is my problem, any ideas to solve are greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Austin

pieleric : 18/11/02 12:13 AM : Reply received
-   You may try to change the reboot code of linux: ask it to be warm instead of cold.
please read
To do so you must append 'reboot=warm' to the command line of the kernel. This
can be done either by editing lilo.conf and running lilo after or by going to
Mandrake Control Center: MCC -> Boot -> Boot Config-> 'Configure' for
Lilo/GRUB. 'Ok on the first window then select the default linux label and
modifiy it. On the 3rd window add at the end of the append textblock:
reboot=warm. Validate everything.

Now you have to reboot twice :-) . Once to make linux aware of the new
parameters and once to see if it worked.

About the time config I don't know where it comes from but I don't think it's
not related to the bootloaders. You may first try to update your bios. You can
also try to change the time by hand to see where the problem comes from. First
change the time with 'date' then with 'hwclock'.

If this solved your problem, do not forget to close the incident :-)

sarsho : 19/11/02 01:04 AM : Incident closed

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