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Proper XFree86 config entry for M$ Intellimouse

+/- details
User dhuff
Incident Number 4012
Date 2001/11/21 17:22
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope XFree 86

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dhuff : 21/11/01 05:22 PM : Incident created
-   I have a M$ Intellimouse Optical mouse whose wheel is not functioning as either a scroll wheel or as the third mouse button. This is the cheaper Intellimouse Optical with only two buttons on top the wheel. I'm pretty handy with the older XFree86 3.x config file, so could someone suggest the proper entry for this device in my current XFRee86 4.x config file ? Here are some relevant details on my system:

Mandrake 8.1, boots into kdm graphical login

M$ Intellimouse Optical USB, using the USB->PS/2 adapter for the PS2

mouse port

XFRee86 4.1.0

KDE 2.2.1


Linegod_7611 : 21/11/01 05:34 PM : Reply received
-   Try running 'mousedrake' from a console as root, and select 'Generic PS/2
Wheel Mouse' and then check your '/etc/X11/XF86Config-4' for the following

Section "InputDevice"

Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

If they are not there, change it so it looks like that. Then log out of
KDE and restart the X server.

dhuff : 21/11/01 07:40 PM : More info provided
-   I'll give that a shot and report back. When I tried "generic PS/2 wheel mouse" during install, the mouse stopped functioning and I ended up choosing "Logitech" to get it to work at all (w/o wheel or 3rd button support, obviously ;)

dhuff : 22/11/01 12:20 AM : More info provided
-   Ran mousedrake as root and this time, as opposed to the time it ran during install, choosing "Generic PS/2 Wheel Mouse" worked :) Here's what got written in XF86Config:

Section "Pointer"
Protocol "IMPS/2"
Device "/dev/psaux"
ZAxisMapping 4 5


The wheel now works as both the middle mouse button and for scrolling. Thanks for the hints. I didn't trust mousedrake after the weirdness at install, but it did the job here!

dhuff : 22/11/01 12:22 AM : Incident closed

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