- I installed the drivers for a linmodem on my mandrake 8.2 box.
The FAQs had the following instructions:
The driver consists of two parts:
You insert these drivers with the command
insmod pctel
insmod ptserial
You have to make sure, that these two commands are run every time you
reboot your machine, by adding these two commands to an init script,
according to your distribution.
If you want to enable autoloading of the modules,
the following lines in /etc/modules.conf would suffice:
# for pctel modem
alias char-major-62 ptserial
below ptserial pctel
# country code for pctel modem
options ptserial country_code=13
Make sure, you run "depmod -a" after you changed your /etc/modules.conf.
Then starting ppp would autoload the modules,
or "modprobe ptserial" will insert them.
DO this mean I have to do Both or One of the following?
1. ADD the commands "insmod pctel" & "insmod ptserial" in the init
2. ADD the lines as suggested above in the /etc/modules.conf
Where can I find the init script in Mandrake 8.2?
What is the reason for running "depmod -a" after you changed your /etc/modules.conf ?
As always, I will appreciate your help.